Release and Waiver of Liability
Online or in-person registration for the SLMC Polar Bear Ride Constitutes REGISTRANTS agreement with the following release and waiver of liability and indemnity agreement.
In consideration of the acceptance of entry in this event, registrant does, for themselves, their passengers or guests, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns (previously and hereafter referred to collectively as REGISTRANTS), hereby give up, RELEASE, and forever DISCHARGE in advance, their rights to sue or make any claim for damages due to any reason, including but not limited to negligence or carelessness, against Officers, Directors, members, and agents; other promoters, sponsors, and their employees or volunteers; and all organizations and their employees conducting or connected with The SL Motorcycle Club or The Polar Bear Ride or Intermountain Harley-Davidson® for injury to person or damage to property that the REGISTRANTS OR THEIR PASSENGERS may suffer, including crippling injury or death to themselves or their guests while participating in a SL Motorcycle Club event.
REGISTRANTS AGREE THAT THEY ARE AWARE THAT MOTORCYCLING CARRIES A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. REGISTRANTS agree that they know the risk of danger to themselves, their passengers, their guests, their minor children (if present), and their property while participating and while upon the event premises, and relying upon their own judgement and ability. REGISTRANT ASSUMES ALL SUCH RISKS OF LOSS and agrees to reimburse all costs to, and to forever HOLD HARMLESS and INDEMNIFY, all persons and entities identified above, generally and specifically, from any and all liability for death and/or personal injury or property damage in any way from any participation in any SL Motorcycle Club event.
REGISTRANTS agree that if they register on behalf of an adult or minor passenger, and / or allow any passenger to accompany them in, to or on any SL Motorcycle Club event, that they have informed their passenger (or informed the legal guardians of a minor passenger) of this release and waiver of liability and have received and thereby acknowledge their passenger's agreement (or agreement of the legal guardians of a minor passenger) of and to the above terms. REGISTRANTS agree to solely accept one-hundred percent of any and all liability relating to or from their passengers or guests. I have read this release and waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement, and I understand that by signing it I give up substantial rights I and/or the minor would otherwise have to recover damages for losses occasioned by the releasees’ fault, and sign it voluntarily and without inducement.